Physical Fitness, Sportsmanship, and Mental Preparation

Physical Fitness, Sportsmanship, and Mental Preparation

Sports are an amazing human activity. Throughout history, people have chosen to participate in various types of human endeavors based on their capacity to enjoy the experience. Sports are a common activity for all races and classes, from toddlers to centenarians. Sports can be divided into two main categories: physical and intellectual. Physical games include the game of basketball; track and field; softball; soccer; hockey; baseball; swimming; and track.

Intellectual sports fall under the larger umbrella of “soft sports.” An intellectual sport is any physical activity that requires analytical, interactive, and inventive problem-solving abilities. For example, chess is an intellectual sport in which players compete to solve a series of increasingly complex problems. The object of the game is not simply to beat your opponent, but to think outside of the square (the board) and come up with creative new strategies. Additionally, track and field require a combination of sprinting, jumping, throwing, and balance to be successful. Physical activities that fall under this category include wrestling, boxing, tennis, cheerleading, track, and field, swimming, basketball, softball, baseball, tennis, golf, soccer, track, and field.

A common reason why young people participate in physical activity is to build self-esteem. As young people grow older, they generally begin to believe that they are competent in order to gain the necessary licenses, job opportunities, and respect that they may need. Unfortunately, many of these young people still feel unattractive and unwanted because they lack a healthy self-image. Lack of self-esteem can affect a person’s relationships, career choices, health, and level of education. It can even contribute to dangerous behaviors such as drug use, unprotected sex, drinking, or use of illegal substances. Therefore, building self-esteem begins during childhood and should continue throughout life.

Another reason why sports injuries occur is because the participants in the sports don’t properly warm up or cool down prior to engaging in the sports. This warm-up and cool down routine is imperative for reducing the risk of injuries. Young people who don’t properly warm up and cool down before engaging in a sporting event can incur muscle strains, ligament tears, and/or bruising that will negatively impact their performance and hinder their progress in the sport.

Parents and schools should implement strict guidelines for proper physical activities and exercise during the day and night. During the morning and evening, children should be encouraged to engage in sports and exercises. In general, young people are encouraged to participate in sports during their early years of development and for at least a half hour of period each day. As they get older, parents and schools should take more time to develop a proper fitness routine for them. When teens begin participating in sports, they should receive instruction and encouragement from their parents and coaches in order to properly execute the sport. In addition, they should learn appropriate techniques and skills through proper supervision and instruction.

If a child participates in sports and gets injured, he should not be abandoned by his coach or team since sports have been shown to prevent most types of childhood injuries. A child will not play sports just for fun; it is also important for them to develop good motor skills, sportsmanship, and physical fitness. When they grow older, they will be more physically fit and will be less likely to sustain an injury.